The Peachtree Battle Alliance (PBA) is a non-profit civic association representing the interests of our neighborhood, which includes over 570 households. The PBA is made up of your neighbors who volunteer to work on behalf of the neighborhood. The PBA works with and is respected by many governmental authorities in Atlanta.
More than fifty years ago, residents living in this area discussed the need to band together and protect and improve our residential area. Those founders decided to become allies and represent themselves and their neighbors collectively to ensure the future of the neighborhood. They created a civic association to represent all of the neighbors and called it the Peachtree Battle Alliance. The founders set their mission and it remains today:
- to participate in the planning process of all municipal, county and federal agencies as they affect the neighborhood;
- to coordinate and improve municipal services for the neighborhood;
- to maintain and protect the character of the neighborhood before any appropriate committee or board;
- to inquire into and plan for future neighborhood recreational facilities
With this mission and all that has been accomplished since the creation of the Peachtree Battle Alliance, the founders have truly created a neighborhood that is recognized as one of the best places to live in Atlanta.
"Alliance carries more weight than individuals." PBA founder, David Kulman