Public Meetings - Homestead Amendment 1 - APS potential "opt-out"
Posted on Feb 1st, 2025

Headline: Public Meetings re: The Atlanta School Board's potential "opt-out" of newly passed Homestead Amendment 1
Update:  2.4.2025 
Additional context and commentary from Debra Wathen, Chairperson - Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods (BCN)
"Both the School System and the City are trying to opt out of the Amendment to cap property tax assessment increases to the lower of 3% or inflation.  This Amendment was voted into law in the last election.  We want to keep them from ignoring this Amendment passed by a large majority. 
Please forward this information to your neighborhoods and neighborhood leadership and ask that they write emails to the City and the School Board to simply say that we want the cap and do not want them to opt out of it.  
The attached information answers some questions about the Amendment and includes email addresses for all members of the school board and city council. I have also attached a document in case that makes it easier to distribute it to your neighborhoods. 
We want to keep you informed, and we appreciate your help with this matter,"
The Buckhead Council of Neighborhoods Executive Board
Mary Norwood chimes in on the matter.

Previous info distributed to PBA Membership: 
On November 3, voters in Georgia passed Amendment 1 - the Local Option Homestead Property Tax Amendment. This freezes assessments in owner-occupied homes in Georgia effective January 1, 2025, with a three percent maximum annual increase going forward. 
The Atlanta School Board is attempting to opt out of Amendment 1, which is allowable.
They are having three public meetings on this issue, which is mandated.
They are February 3 at 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
February 10 at 6:00 p.m.
Please make every effort to attend.
Location: Atlanta School Board
130 Trinity Avenue S.W. Atlanta, GA 30303